Ashley Ticker Parameter List

The following parameters applied to both scrolling text or image:

step = integer
The speed of the scrolling text/image. Default value is 2. Higher value means faster scrolling.
sensitive = integer
Defines how sensitive the scrolling text/image is towards a mouse drag. Default value is 5.
mousedown = string
The message which will appear in the status bar when you click your mouse on the applet. Default value is "Don't tickle me!".
mouseleft = string
The message that will appear in the status bar when you drag your mouse to the left. Default value is "Don't be so impatient".
mouseright = string
The message that will appear in the status bar when you drag your mouse to the right. Default value is "Let me out!!".
mouseoutb = string
The message that will appear in the status bar when your mouse is dragged outside the applet after clicking on it. Default value is "Let go your mouse please".
mouseup = string
The message that will appear in the status bar when you release your mouse click. Default value is "Thank you".
random = integer (0,1)
Defines whether you want to display the scrolling text/image randomly or not. Default value is 0 (not random). random = 1 means random display.
repeat = integer
Number of times a message will repeat itself before displaying the next one. Default value is 1. No effect when random = 1.
position = integer
Defines the vertical position of the scrolling text/image. The message/graphics will be shown at the top of the applet if the value is 0, at the centre if the value is 1 or at the bottom if the value is 2.
image = URL
The URL of the background image to be painted if any. Default = null.
imborder = URL
The URL of the border image to be painted if any. Default = null.

The following parameters applied to scrolling text only:

count = integer
The total number of message you wish to display. Default = 1.
message0 to message# = string
The messages you wish to display. From message0 to message#, where # equals count (total number of messages) minus 1. Default value is "Applet written by Ashley Cheng".
typeface = string
The typeface of the scrolling text. Default is "Arial".
fontsize = integer
The fontsize of the scrolling text. Default value is 24.
style = integer (0,1,2)
Defines the style of the text. 0 means "normal" text, 1 means "bold" and 2 means "italic". Default value is 0
offset = integer
Defines the number of pixels the shadow text will be offset from the normal text. Default value is 0 meaning no shadow.
text = (integer,integer,integer)
The color of the foreground text in RGB format. Default color is black.
shadow = (integer,integer,integer)
The color of the shadow text in RGB format. Default color is white.
backgd = (integer,integer,integer)
The color of the background in RGB format. Default color is gray.

Note: Image will take precedence over text. When you define a scrolling image, these parameters will lose their effects.

The following parameters applied to scrolling image only:

icount = integer
The total number of images you wish to display. Default = 0.
image0 to image# = URL
The URL of the images you wish to display. From image0 to image#, where # equals icount (total number of images) minus 1. Default value is null.


Author: Ashley Cheng ( March 1996
Go back to Ashleyticker version 2.5, to my home-page or see JavaScript(tm) examples written by me.

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